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While Chris and Cait are both bisexual, Matt identifies as homoflexible, meaning that he is flexible towards women, he just prefers men. Nine months into their relationship with Cait, Matt and Chris tied the knot but they made sure Cait was right there with them. I suggested to Chris, ‘How would you feel about involving a woman in some fashion?’ At first he was completely opposed to the idea but after a while we talked about it and he warmed up to the idea.”īefore long the threesome, from New York, were smitten with each other and became inseparable.

And before I met Matthew I had dated quite a few girls and quite a few guys. When they realized that they had strong feelings for each other, Chris asked Matt if he could invite Cait into their relationship.Ĭhris explains: “Matthew had never had any experience with women before he’d met me. Her partners Chris and Matt, 28, Brandt - who are married - have been together for eight years and were exploring an open relationship when Cait, 28, met Chris, 38, on a dating app in 2015. Two men and one woman are tearing up relationship rules with a unique status - meet the ‘thruple.' Taking “three’s company” to a more intimate level, Cait Earnest shares an intimate one-bed apartment with her two boyfriends and their two adorable pups.

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